Super Titan Solaris Hero Wars Alliance wallpaper

Super Titan Solaris Guide Hero Wars Alliance

  • By: Alexandre Domingos. Last updated: April 17, 2024.

Super Titan Solaris Main Attributes

Position: Middle Line
Function: Super Titan
Main Element: Light
How to Obtain Soul Stones: Events, Summoning Sphere
Synergy: Amon, Iyari, Rigel

Tier List 2024

Titan Tier List: S+
Dungeon Tier List: S

Mastering Solaris: A Comprehensive Strategy Guide for Hero Wars Alliance


Welcome to the ultimate guide on how to harness the power of Solaris, the Super Titan of Light, in Hero Wars Alliance. With Solaris's introduction, the battlefield dynamics have shifted, offering exciting new strategies and synergies. In this guide, we'll delve into Solaris's abilities, synergies with other Titans, and advanced tactics to dominate your opponents.

Understanding Super Titan Solaris Hero Wars

Solaris emerges as the beacon of light, wielding unparalleled power that can turn the tide of any battle. Before diving into strategies, let's break down her abilities:

1. Scorching Summoning:

Solaris summons the power of light, creating a pillar of light amidst the enemy team. This pillar deals continuous damage and slows nearby enemies. This ability not only inflicts damage but also controls the battlefield by hindering enemy movement.

2. Invoke Light:

Solaris grants a light particle to all allied Light Titans and the ally with the lowest health percentage. This particle shields allies from stun effects, offering crucial protection during intense encounters.

Now that we understand Solaris's arsenal let's explore her synergies and how to leverage them effectively.

Synergies with Other Titans

Solaris's true potential shines when paired with specific Titans, amplifying her impact on the battlefield:

1. Iyari:

Solaris synergizes exceptionally well with Iyari, the beacon of light. Iyari's ability to summon a healing beacon complements Solaris's kit perfectly. The constant healing and energy boost provided by Iyari enable Solaris to activate her ultimate, Over-Power, more frequently, devastating enemy teams with massive area damage.

2. Amon and Rigel:

Solaris also forms synergistic bonds with Amon and Rigel, further enhancing the prowess of the Light Titans. Amon's commanding presence and Rigel's strategic support complement Solaris's offensive capabilities, creating a formidable trio on the battlefield.

Now that we've established Solaris's synergies let's delve into advanced strategies for optimal utilization.

Advanced Tactics

1. Targeted Pillar Placement:

When using Scorching Summoning, strategically place the pillar of light to disrupt enemy formations. Aim for chokepoints or areas where enemies are clustered to maximize damage and crowd control.

2. Timed Ultimate Activation:

Coordinate Solaris's ultimate, Over-Power, with crucial moments in battle. Wait for opportune moments when enemy defenses are weakened or when enemy Titans are clustered together. The devastating area damage can turn the tide of battle in your favor.

3. Priority Shielding with Invoke Light:

Use Invoke Light judiciously to shield priority targets from stun effects. Identify key allies, such as high-damage dealers or crucial supports, and ensure they are protected from crowd control effects to maintain offensive momentum.

4. Adaptation to Enemy Compositions:

Assess the enemy lineup and adapt Solaris's strategy accordingly. Against teams reliant on crowd control, prioritize shielding with Invoke Light to counter their tactics. Conversely, against high-damage compositions, focus on aggressive positioning and timely ultimate activations to dismantle enemy forces swiftly.

Titan Solaris in Dungeon: Maximizing Strength and Synergy

In the treacherous depths of the dungeon, mastering the art of team composition is crucial for success. Solaris emerges as a formidable force within this environment, especially when paired strategically with Titans like Sigurd, Hyperion, and Iyari. Together, they form a resilient core, safeguarding the team and bolstering the effectiveness of allies like Moloch and Angus, who often bear the brunt of enemy assaults.

Building a Strong Foundation

Solaris's prowess in the dungeon lies in her ability to protect the team while simultaneously unleashing devastating damage upon adversaries. By synergizing Solaris with Titans like Sigurd, Hyperion, and Iyari, you create a formidable frontline that not only withstands enemy assaults but also provides crucial support to allies.

1. Sigurd:

Sigurd's stalwart presence complements Solaris's defensive capabilities, forming a resilient frontline that can weather even the most relentless onslaughts. His ability to absorb damage and draw enemy attention away from vulnerable allies makes him an ideal partner for Solaris in the dungeon.

2. Hyperion:

Hyperion's offensive prowess pairs seamlessly with Solaris's damage-dealing capabilities. Together, they form a dynamic duo capable of decimating enemy ranks with relentless assaults. Hyperion's strategic healing and attacks, combined with Solaris's devastating abilities, create a potent force to be reckoned with.

3. Iyari:

Iyari's healing beacon provides essential sustenance to the team, ensuring that allies remain in fighting condition throughout the rigors of dungeon exploration. By pairing Iyari with Solaris, you not only bolster the team's survivability but also enable Solaris to unleash her full potential more frequently, thanks to the continuous healing and energy boosts provided by Iyari.

Optimizing Solaris's Role

While Solaris excels in providing protection and support to her allies, she is also a formidable damage dealer in her own right. In dungeon scenarios where additional protection is necessary, consider utilizing Avalon. However, if your priority is to maximize damage output, Solaris should take center stage.

Maximizing Damage Potential:

In encounters against Earth, Water, and Fire Super Titans and Titans, Solaris's damage-dealing capabilities shine brightest. Her abilities are particularly effective against these elemental adversaries, allowing her to wreak havoc upon enemy ranks and secure victory for your team.

Mastering the Dungeon with Solaris

In the intricate dance of dungeon exploration, Solaris emerges as a stalwart companion, providing both protection and devastation in equal measure. By strategically pairing her with Titans like Sigurd, Hyperion, and Iyari, you create a formidable team capable of conquering even the most daunting challenges. Whether you prioritize protection or damage, Solaris proves herself to be an indispensable asset in the depths of the dungeon, leading your team to victory time and time again.

Super Tinta Solaris Hero Wars Positive and Negative Points

Super Titan Solaris Positive Points

  • Area Damage
  • Over-Power
  • Synergy with Amon, Iyari, Rigel
  • Protects the ally with less health against stun
  • Strong against titans of fire, earth and water
  • Slows down nearby enemies
  • Weapon Artifact with healing

Super Titan Solaris Negative Points

  • Not found

Super Titan Solaris Stats Evolution Priority

Optimizing Solaris's Artifacts: A Strategic Approach

In optimizing Solaris's artifacts, meticulous attention is directed towards maximizing her effectiveness on the battlefield. The selection and enhancement of artifacts play a pivotal role in augmenting Solaris's capabilities, ensuring she stands as an indomitable force against adversaries. Here's a comprehensive breakdown of artifact prioritization for Solaris:

1. Seal of Balance:

The primary focus lies on acquiring and enhancing the Seal of Balance artifact. This artifact serves a dual purpose, bolstering Solaris's vitality and augmenting her physical attack potential. By prioritizing the enhancement of Seal of Balance, Solaris not only gains increased survivability through heightened life stats but also amplifies her offensive capabilities. The correlation between physical attack prowess and the potency of Solaris's area-wide ultimate, Over-Power, is paramount. The higher Solaris's physical attack, the more devastating her Over-Power damage becomes, turning the tide of battle decisively in your favor.

2. Crown of Light:

Following the prioritization of Seal of Balance, attention is directed towards ascending the Crown of Light artifact. Ascending this artifact serves to fortify Solaris's defenses while simultaneously enhancing her damage output against ancient titans of Earth, Fire, and Water. In the ever-evolving landscape of battle, resilience is key. By augmenting Solaris's defenses with Crown of Light, she becomes better equipped to withstand enemy assaults, ensuring her sustained presence on the battlefield. Furthermore, the heightened damage against specific elemental titans underscores Solaris's adaptability and versatility, allowing her to excel in diverse combat scenarios.

3. Upgrading the Weapon:

As the final step in Solaris's artifact optimization, upgrading the weapon artifact takes precedence. The weapon serves as a conduit for Solaris's prowess, channeling her energy into tangible results on the battlefield. By focusing on upgrading the weapon, you enhance the health regeneration capabilities for the entire Solaris team. In the heat of battle, sustained endurance is invaluable. The enhanced health regeneration provided by the upgraded weapon ensures that Solaris and her allies remain resilient and formidable throughout prolonged engagements, outlasting and outmaneuvering their adversaries.

In summary, the meticulous selection and enhancement of artifacts for Solaris are paramount in maximizing her effectiveness on the battlefield. By prioritizing Seal of Balance for increased life and physical attack, ascending Crown of Light for enhanced defense and damage against specific elemental titans, and upgrading the weapon for enhanced health regeneration, you ensure that Solaris stands as an indomitable force, leading your team to victory time and time again.

Super Titan Solaris Artifacts Priorities
Priorities Artifacts Stat Increase
1st Balance of Seal Physical Attack +97500
Health +3975000
2nd Crown of Light Extra Damage +213000 and Defense +120600 to Fire, Earth and Water Titans
3rd (Weapon)
Belav's Greatness
Health Regeneration +100050
Titan Solaris Artifacts Hero Wars Mobile
Super Titan Solaris Artifacts, Hero Wars.

Super Titan Solaris Skins Priority

At the moment Solaris only has the default skin.

Priority Skins Stat Increase
1st Default Physical Attack +196800
Titan Solaris with Default Skin, Hero Wars Alliance.
Titan Solaris with Default Skin, Hero Wars Alliance.

Super Titan Solaris Hero Wars in Battles

Strong Against

  • Nova, Moloch, Eden, Amon, Araji, Hyperion

How to Counter Solaris

Super Titan Solaris
Best Counters
What happens
Mort in Hero Wars Mobile
Mort redirects part of the health and physical attack of the titan with the highest physical attack in the enemy team, this way he can reduce Solaris' Over-Power damage, even so, Amon has more physical attack statistics than Solaris. Solaris could be Mort's second or third target.
Mairi in Hero Wars Mobile
Mairi's Ultimate reduces enemies' attack by 40%, for 8 seconds. This way, Solaris deals less damage to the enemies in area.

Super Titan Solaris Best Teams

Super Titan Solaris Best Teams Hero Wars
Number Heroes
1 Keros, Mort, Amon, Solaris, Iyari
2 Solaris, Hyperion, Iyari, Angus, Sigurd
3 Mort, Solaris, Hyperion, Iyari, Sigurd
4 Amon, Solaris, Hyperion, Iyari, Sigurd
5 Amon, Solaris, Iyari, Nova, Sigurd
6 Amon, Solaris, Iyari, Angus, Sigurd
7 Amon, Solaris, Iyari, Moloch, Angus
8 Mort, Amon, Solaris, Iyari, Sigurd
9 Amon, Solaris, Ignis, Iyari, Sigurd
10 Keros, Mort, Solaris, Iyari, Sigurd

Super Titan Solaris Guide Conclusion

Mastering Solaris elevates your strategic capabilities in Hero Wars Alliance, offering unparalleled control and devastating firepower on the battlefield. By understanding her abilities, synergies, and advanced tactics, you can lead your alliance to victory and cement your legacy as a formidable force in the realm of Titans. Embrace the light, harness its power, and let Solaris illuminate the path to triumph.

Video suggestion

Video: Super Titan Solaris and Iyari Synergy Success and Who They Defeat Hero Wars Alliance

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